Remove unuse edges faces with Ifixlt 101 plugin Sketchup

Ifixlt 101 Plugin Sketchup is a simple and effective plugin for correcting errors of sketchup model, automatically removing unuse edges faces in sketchup. Unlike the Cleanup plugin that deletes unused objects, Ifixlt 101 deletes the edges and inner faces of groups or components. Understandably this is a complete editing plugin face, edge, points of models.

Main Feature:

  • Remove duplicate,overlapping, internal faces.
  • Merge coplanar faces.
  • Remove single edges, split edges.


  • With just 1 click, the plugin automatically removes the unnecessary side of the models.
  • If the object is selected, the plugin only works with the selected object.
    If not selected, the plugin runs for the entire file.
Ifixlt 101 Sketchup
Ifixlt 101 Sketchup
Ifixlt 101 Plugin
Ifixlt 101 Result
