Create Spheres, Hemispheres and Domes in Sketchup fast.

Do you believe that you can simply use Sketchup basic tools to create spheres and hemispheres?
3dshouse will show you the way to create them easily.


  1. Spheres:
  • First, create a first circle with your desired radius.
  • At the center of the first circle, create another circle perpendicular with the first circle’s plane.
  • Delete first circle’s plane.
  • Select the path (first circle)
  • Activate the Follow Me tool ( or choose Tools, Follow Me)
  • Click the second circle plane
  • Right click and select the “Intersect Faces” tab. Now, we have a Sphere
2. Hemispheres :
  • To create a hemisphere, create a circle with your desired radius.
  • At the center of the created circle, create another circle perpendicular with the first circle’s plane.
  • Delete the planes and lines that are not needed
  • Select the path (first circle)
  • Activate the Follow Me tool
  • Click the face of hemisphere and Intersect Faces. Done!
3. Dome:
  • To create a dome, execute the same steps as creating a hemisphere.
  • Here, select the hemisphere plane, select the Offset tool.
  • Type a number and the Imperial, then press Enter
  • Add and delete lines to create an enclosed boundary base for the dome.
  • Select the path, activate the Follow Me tool
  • Click the face of section dome and Intersect Faces.
create another circle perpendicular with the first circle’s plane.
using Follow Me tool.