3dshouse Extension Tutorials Upgrade Interior Pro Account 3dshouse Dynamic Modeling Service Sketchup Extension Programing Service Interact Dynamic Components. Interact with Dynamic Components like open door... Dynamic Component Option. All of models have the option to edit models Select Tools Select By Name Select object by keyword in name of objects Select By Layer Select objects same layer (Tag) Select By Material Select object same material Select By Similar Select similar instances copies from a components Name Tools Rename Selection Bulk Rename Selected by replace keyword inside object name Auto Naming Select Components or Groups, input name and auto add number to name of objects Convert Tools Components to Groups Convert Seleted Components to Groups and keep all attributes include dynamic attributes Groups to Components Convert Seleted Groups to Components and keep all attributes include dynamic attributes Explode Tools Explode Deep Selected Explode all Components or Groups inside Objects Explode All Explode all Components or Groups in models Utility Tools Align Multi Objects Auto Align Multi Objects each row Save As Multi Components Bulk save all selected components to a skp folder. Later use must import files Bulk Convert To Older Version Select skp folder to convert all skp files to older version. Face Tools Select Faces in Objects Select all faces in multi level child of object Auto Make Faces From Edges Auto Make Muti Faces From Selected Edges Multi Face Offset Bulk offset from multi selected faces Auto Faces To Groups Auto creat multi groups from selected loose faces Auto Reverse Faces Auto Reverse Faces inside multi deep child face of selected objects Edge Tools Select Edges in Objects Select all edges in multi level child of object Select Outer Edges Select Outer Edges of objects Select Edges By Length Select Edges by Min/Max length Weld Edges To Polyline Weld Multi Edges To Polyline. Work both edges inside multi level of groups or components Remove Unuse Edges Remove coplanar, single, split edges in object. Work with multi level child inside objects Auto Hide All Edges Auto hide all edges in multi level chid inside objects Auto Unhide All Edges Auto unhide all edges in multi level chid inside objects Auto Smooth All Edges Auto soft and smooth all edges in multi level chid inside objects Auto Unsmooth All Edges Auto unsoft and un smooth all edges in multi level chid inside objects Material Tools Paint to Selected Objects Paint to all multi deep selected objects. Using when selected muti deep object. Paint to Faces in Objects Paint to multi level deep face inside group or component Replace Material Replace material of objec from other material Remove Object's Materials Remove object material include multil level deep children. Auto Material Dulplicate Duplicate a material same all attribute Material Collection Creating a Object contain all materials, useful when copy all materials to other files. Delete Unused Materals Delete all material unuse in models Delete All Materials Delete All Materials Texture Tools Rotate Object Texture Apply when material paint direct to object faces. Auto Restore Texture Scale Scale object cause texture stretched, select object and click this tool to restore texture size. Rotate Material Texture Rotate globle texture, all objects have same materials will be affect. Convert color to texture Convert all material with color to material with texture. Useful when export model and material to other software. Export Textures to Images Export all textures to image folder Delete All Textures Just delete all textures keep materials and color Cleaning Tools Remove usused object to reduce file size and make sketchup run faster Delete All Hidden Objects Delete all hidden objects in files to reduce file size Delete Dynamic Deep Selection Delete Dynamic Feature selection include deep child objects Auto Pugre All Delete all unuse object loaded in models. Include definition, styles, materials, layers and hidden objects Dynamic Programing Tools Useful tools for dynamic component programing Replace Attribute Selection Replace keyword by other all attribute name and value include formula include multi level child. Keep dynamic component still working Copy Attribute Copy dynamic attribute from Selection to other Delete Attribute Deleted Dynamic Attribute all nested in selected object Delete Dynamic Delete Dynamic Feature only selection, exclude deep child objects Override Attribute Labels Override or hidden attribute label in Component Attribute Panel. Using to prevent other people seeing the label. Restore Attribute Labels Restore label of attribute in Component Attribute Panel. Using to restore hidden or wrong label. Object Axis Move Move axis of object to inside object. Useful when axis far away from object. Keep object position Make Unique Muti Objects Make Unique All Selected Objects. Useful when make unique multi components or groups Make Unique Similar Components Make Unique all similar instances copied from a components Make Unique Child Groups Make unique all child groups inside objects. Useful to fix jump size of dynamic component Redraw Multi Components Redraw All selected Dynamic Components. Pro tools Image to faces Auto make face from a image (jpg, jpeg, png) Hi My account Logout English Tiếng Việt All industry Interior Design Cnc Furniture Production Materials Favorite All ModelsCabinet Door-Drawer Finish Doors (8)Drawers (11)Replace Door Panel (35)Cabinet Handles (77)Cabinet Knobs (34)Kitchen CabinetKitchen Oven (10)Kitchen Hood (17)Base Kitchen (8)Wall Cabinet (6)Countertops (5)Cooktops (20)Sinks (29)Faucets (28)Base Racks 1 (9)Base Racks 2 (10)Rice Boxes (7)Trash Cans (5)Wall Racks (6)Fridge (39)Washing Machine (34)Furniture CarcassBeds Carcass (10)Desks Carcass (5)Makeup Carcass (19)Support Frame (8)Cabinet Dividers (1)Room Dividers (11)Base Cabinets (12)Wall Cabinets (6)Board ShapesBlend Boards (2)Flat Boards (6)Wood JointsDogbone (4)Half Lap (2)ShelvesWine Shelves (2)Corner Shelves (2)Board Shelves (8)ChairsMakeup Chairs (6)WallsWall Cladding (10)Laser Cut Partitions (24)HardwaresCloset Fitting (7) All MaterialsConcreteClean Walls (30)Damaged Walls (36)Rough Walls (40)Concrete Plates(54)Stones MaterialsTravertine(50)Marble Walls (17)Marble (355)Quartz (27)Granite (122)Wood MaterialsWood Floor (60)Wood Color Coating (67)Wood Grain (151)Brick MaterialsDamaged Bricks (12)Colored Bricks (24)Facing Bricks (45)Other MaterialsCeiling Panel (38)Plastic(67)Stainless Steels (67)Glass (67)Fabric (28) 3dshouse_Stone_Marble_Brown Free 3dshouse_Stone_Marble_White Free Frame Baskets Pro Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Makeup Organizer Drawers Pro Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Pullout Clothes Rails Pro Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Slim Pull Baskets Pro Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Thick Pull Baskets Pro Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Fix Clother Rails Free Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Pull Clother Rails Pro Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Fix Round Racks Free Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Interactable model, usinng interact tool click on model to open Fix Slim Racks Free Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Interactable model, usinng interact tool click on model to open Fix Thick Racks Free Add Favorite, next time you can access direct from Dropdown Menu - Favorite Interactable model, usinng interact tool click on model to open